Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - D'Joao Dachshund Scpc Camaiura

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

D'Joao Dachshund Scpc Camaiura

Sex: Сука
Date of birth: 06.10.2000
Studbook: RG/GOA/00/01099
Sire: Da-Reich Ssv Von Bose Hunde
Dam: Negrita Of North Lake
Owner: Canil D'Jao/Carlos David
Breeder: Canil D'Jao/Carlos David

Children of the dog
PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
info D'Joao Dachshund Scpc Fidalga Сука 17.09.2003 Carlos David/Canil D'Joao Carlos David/Canil D'Joao Raeder'S Guardiao Das Acacias
info D'Joao Dachshund Scpc Kaingang Кобель 17.09.2003 Carlos David/Canil D'Joao Carlos David/Canil D'Joao Raeder'S Guardiao Das Acacias

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