Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - Windycorner Good Life

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

Windycorner Good Life

Title: Ch: NZ, AUS
Sex: Кобель
Color: черно-подпалый
Sire Mithril Night & Day Of Windycorner
Dam: Yolande Von Grafwald

Children of the dog
PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
Nasus Sally Field Nasus Sally Field Сука 16.10.1992 Nasus Natalie Wood
Nasus Sam Neil Nasus Sam Neil Кобель 16.10.1992 Nasus Natalie Wood
info Northdax Nomad Кобель Windswept Enchantmint

Rambler's Top100

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