Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - Talberg Maid To Kiss

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

Talberg Maid To Kiss

Sex: Сука
Sire Jumarnic London
Dam: Northdax Makin Believe

Double brood
PhotoDog nameSexColorBirthdateOwner
Talberg Maid On Request At Hacienda Talberg Maid On Request At Hacienda Сука рыжий 01.02.1995

Children of the dog
PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
info Jumarnic Choc Surprise At Hacienda Сука Lauralee High And Mighty
info Jumarnic Specially Maid Сука Lauralee High And Mighty

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