Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - Ralines Replica

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

Ralines Replica

Title: Ch: ENG
Sex: Сука
Color: кофейно-подпалый
Sire Zedex Romolus Of Raliens
Dam: Ralines Lucy Lee

Double brood
PhotoDog nameSexColorBirthdateOwner
info Ralines Resemblance Сука

Children of the dog
PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
info Ralines Remus At Hacienda Кобель Tracemma Exclusive
info Ralines Romance Сука D'Arisca Statement Of Intent
info Ralines Sams Son Кобель Sontag Seal Of Approval
info Ralines Sam'S Son Кобель Sontag Seal Of Approval

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