Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - Laen Man Around Town

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

Laen Man Around Town

Sex: Кобель
Sire Jumarnic London
Dam: Gleishorbach Teufelchen

Double brood
PhotoDog nameSexColorBirthdateOwner
info Laen Rumour Has It Сука рыжий
info Laen Talk Of The Town Кобель рыжий 11.03.1996

Children of the dog
PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
Tischamingo As Cool As Tischamingo As Cool As Кобель Landwell Time To Dream
Tischamingo Timetogroove Tischamingo Timetogroove Сука Landwell Time To Dream

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