Родословная - Laen Rumour Has It

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

       Ch: AUS
7)  Millewa Gold Dollar

       Ch: AUS
3)  Tradedach Stormy Lad

       Ch: AUS
8)  Millewa Sun Storm

       Ch: AUS
1)  Jumarnic London

       Ch: AUS
9)  Millewa Zac

4)  Dabarlyn Your Our Empire

       Ch: AUS
10)  Nasus Goldie Hawn

Name: Laen Rumour Has It Sex: Сука Colour: рыжий

       Ch: USA
11)  Houndhaves War Lord

       Ch: USA
5)  Choo Choos Gus

       Ch: USA
12)  Choo Choos Val Of Sweetheart

       Ch: USA
2)  Gleishorbach Teufelchen

       Ch: CAN, USA
13)  Braaehaus Traveling Man

       Ch: USA
6)  Choo Choos Doll Of Sweetheart

14)  Choochoos Sweetheart

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