Родословная - Young Yardley Of Belldale

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

7)  Kiedon Kareba

3)  Woodric Imperialist Of Jarthley

8)  Marbri Moonlight Of Woodric

1)  Jarthley Mint Imperial

9)  Roots Of Silvae

4)  Peggotty Of Jarthley

10)  Barkestone Cookies Caper

Name: Young Yardley Of Belldale Sex: Кобель

11)  Here'S Hoping Of Belldale

5)  Merely-A-Monarch Of Belldale

12)  Woodric Gardenia Of Belldale

2)  Kentenes Petite Fleur

13)  Deep Down Of Belldale

6)  Vingaina Of The Park

14)  Black Beauty

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