Родословная - Hampdach Vonndach Midnight Music

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

7)  Hampdach Capuccino At Daxmuir

3)  Daxmuir Mr Nice Guy For Bonavoir

8)  D'Arisca State Occasion

1)  Hampdach Town Cryer

9)  Deliberator Of Hampdach

       Ch: ENG
4)  Classic Charm Of Hampdach

10)  Kerngot Kamille Of Hampdach

Name: Hampdach Vonndach Midnight Music Sex: Сука

11)  Montreax Beau Geste

5)  Kireton The Tadpole

12)  Hampdach Country Girl

2)  Hampdach Country Music At Kerngot

13)  Vonndach Freidrich

6)  Kerngot Kathy'S Klown Of Hampdach

14)  Hampdach Country Style

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